Ski rental - rent ski equipment

Ski hire prices

1 week from19 €

Ski hire prices by week

Price information for a booking on 26. March 2025, 15:31
  • Find ski resort
Savings calender

How does it work?

The savings calender shows you the lowest price for a pair of skis for a certain week in a chosen ski resort! Find the correct ski or snowboard for your desired dates. Click on the button. Find special offer.

Tip: You can compare the price to other ski areas. See the top right hand button on the savings calender + Compare.

You can see the exact price for yourself for your desired dates!
The earlier you book, the lower the price and the greater the availability of models.

The advantage of being an early bird:: maximum choice and lowest price.


Common questions

During the booking process, the gross price for the equipment will be shown next to the product. This price consists of the ski/snowboard (including poles for skis, bindings on snowboards), the binding adjustment in the shop and service of the equipment.

The protection package against theft, damage and cancellation is compulsory for each booking (including special offers and discounts). The cost of the package for 7 days is €17.00 for adults, €13.00 for youths (up to and including 17 years of age) and €9.00 for children (up to and including 10 years of age)

There will be no additional charges when picking up your equipment from the specified shop.

The earlier you book your equipment online, the lower the price.
As demand increases, so do our prices. So book now to get the best deals! Click here for more information about the Early Bird Price

Groups with a minimum of 4 people can hire their ski or snowboard from € 109 per person.
This price is valid for 5 or 6 days ski hire. Click here for more information about our Group offer.

Families with a minimum of 3 people can hire thier ski or snowboard for a max. € 33 (children upto and incuding 10 years of age), max. € 77 (youths upto and including 17 years of age) and from € 109 for adults. This price is valid for 5 or 6 days ski hire. Click here for more information about our Family offer

Information on ski rental on site

You can pay using the following methods:

  • Payment with credit card (Master Card and Visa)

You can also pay by credit card which is a safe and easy option. Your credit card details will be secured via an integrated frame and SSL system. Using this highly protected system, payment by credit card is secure. If you would like more information, please see the following link.

  • Paying with Prepayment

You can also pay for your booking after it has been reserved. You can transfer the money by international bank transfer up to 5 working days after the booking has been made. Our IBAN and BIC code are visible on the booking confirmation.


Please enter a maximum hire duration of 14 days